

My Dream Crystals - September 2024 Edition

My Dream Crystals - September 2024 Edition

Posted by Heather McConnell on 13th Sep 2024

Embrace Autumn with Persephone

On September 23rd, summer will turn to fall in the Northern Hemisphere. As the nights get longer, leaves fall from the trees, and the year draws to a close, autumn asks us to look inward. You can learn more about this season’s balance of dark and light with the Greek goddess Persephone.

Who is Persephone?

Persephone is the Greek goddess of spring and the Queen of the Underworld. In some myths, she is also the mother of Dionysus, the god of wine, ecstasy, and theatre (although other legends credit the human Semele with giving birth to the god).

A dual goddess, Persephone embodies both the new life of spring and the sacred realm of the dead. She played a key role in the Eleusinian Mysteries, being worshipped as a symbol of immortality and rebirth. She was also frequently celebrated at festivals around the autumnal equinox. Some worshippers called her Kore, to highlight her role as a spring goddess, and oters referred to her as Despoina (“the mistress”), to honor the dread queen of the underworld.

Autumn and Persephone’s Abduction

According to mythology, Persephone is responsible for the changing seasons. The most common telling of the story describes Hades falling in love with Persephone from afar. He asked Zeus, Persephone’s father, for his daughter’s hand, but Zeus knew that Persephone’s mother, Demeter, wouldn’t be happy about losing her daughter. In an attempt to avoid conflict, Zeus told Hades to just abduct Persephone and marry her.

So, when Persephone was picking daffodils, Hades burst out of the underworld in his chariot, grabbed her, and dragged her down to his kingdom. Overcome with rage and grief, Demeter decided to punish the Earth. She killed all the crops and allowed winter to encase the planet in its icy grip.

Zeus, realizing his error, sent the messenger god Hermes to bring Persephone back from the underworld. However, Persephone had eaten some pomegranate seeds, and anyone who eats the food of the dead can never return to the realm of the living.

Whether Hades tricked Persephone into eating the pomegranate or whether she knowingly consumed the food is a matter of heated debate. Maybe Persephone had fallen in love with Hades, or maybe she enjoyed being free from her controlling mother. No matter why Persephone sealed her own fate, Hades and Persephone seem to have one of the most loving and equal marriages in the Greek pantheon, with Persephone ruling by Hades’ side as a true equal.

To avoid complete disaster, Mount Olympus and the Underworld struck a compromise: Persephone would spend half the year with Demeter and the other half with Hades. Demeter allows the land to flourish when her daughter is with her (spring and summer), but when Persephone returns to the underworld, Demeter abandons the Earth, leading to fall and winter.

This myth explains the seasons, but it also teaches another important lesson: the immortality of nature. No matter what happens, the Earth will continue going through its cycles of birth, life, and death, ultimately leading to rebirth every spring.

Other Persephone MythsBeyond the story of her abduction and marriage, Persephone remains a major figure in Greek mythology and literature. These stories underline her two-sided nature: the kind, empathetic spring goddess and the feared queen of the dead.

In the myth of Orpheus, Persephone is so moved by Orpheus’ song that she convinces her husband to allow Orpheus’ dead wife, Eurydice, to return to life. Hades agrees, on the condition that Orpheus never look back to see if Eurydice is really following him. At the last moment, Orpheus’ courage falters, and he turns around, just in time to watch Eurydice disappear back into the underworld.

In another legend, Persephone is less kind. When she found out that the nymph, Minthe, was Hades’ mistress, Persephone became so jealous that she trampled Minthe to death—creating the herb we know now as mint.

Today, Persephone is still a mainstay of modern culture. She appears as the High Priestess in the famous Rider-Waite tarot deck, and she was most recently the central character of Rachel Smythe’s Lore Olympus graphic novels.

Persephone’s Symbols

In art from Ancient Greece to now, Persephone has been associated with a variety of symbols:

  • Flowers: Flowers, especially daffodils, relate to Persephone’s role as the goddess of spring, as well as symbolizing the cycles of life and death that are central to Persephone’s myths.
  • Sheaf of Wheat: The sheaf of wheat showcases how Persephone guarantees a good harvest by returning to Demeter every spring.
  • Pomegranates: Pomegranates symbolize Persephone’s marriage to Hades and her status as Queen of the Underworld.
  • Torch: Persephone is often portrayed carrying a four-tipped torch, which relates to immortality and her worship during the Eleusinian mysteries.

Persephone Crystals


Garnet has historically been considered sacred to Persephone. Garnet’s warm red hue represents the pomegranate seeds that Persephone ate in the underworld, and this crystal is one of the best ways to connect with this goddess. Garnet symbolizes love, loyalty, and eternity, showcasing the qualities that made Persephone a powerful ruler in her own right.


Amber captures the duality of Persephone’s roles as spring goddess and queen of the dead. This crystal invites abundance, but it also provides protection. Like Persephone, Amber’s warmth brings to mind both sunny spring days and a crackling winter fire.

Black Onyx

Black Onyx echoes Persephone’s inner strength. This protective crystal helps you work through difficult emotions, especially grief and depression. Black Onyx reminds you that you have already survived all of your worst days, and it gives you the strength, balance, and energy you need to keep moving forward.

Botswana Agate

Persephone’s myths intersect meaningfully with themes of grief. She is the queen of the dead, and Persephone, Demeter, and Orpheus all experience loss. Botswana Agate is the perfect crystal to manage these feelings. This gentle stone provides emotional support while also encouraging you to reach out to new communities and opportunities that can help you heal.

Lapis Lazuli

As Queen of the Underworld, Persephone represents an ethereal realm filled with secrets that the living struggle to understand. Lapis Lazuli supercharges your intuition to help you access this knowledge. With this crystal, you can approach every aspect of your life with divinely inspired wisdom.

Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline appeals to the gentlest aspects of Persephone’s personality. This introspective crystal asks you to look within to discover what you truly need, just like Persephone found her true role as a queen. With the self-love and trust that Pink Tourmaline inspires, you can fully step into your power.

Crystals for Your College Major

As college students head back to school for the fall semester, we have the perfect crystal for everyone! No matter your major, there is a stone that will help you succeed.

Art: Cinnabar

Historically, Cinnabar has been valued by visual artists as a source of inspiration and energy, and Cinnabar-based paint was even one of the driving forces of the Italian Renaissance! That makes Cinnabar the perfect crystal for art majors. This stone will support your imagination while also helping you take creative risks.

Biology: Moss Agate

Moss Agate resonates strongly with the Earth, which makes it a biology major’s best friend. This crystal connects you with the planet’s energy, helping you embrace new opportunities and approach study from an innovative perspective.

Business: Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is a go-getter stone, and it gives business majors a competitive edge. Tiger’s Eye gives you the confidence, motivation, and energy you need to succeed in the corporate jungle.

Communications: Aquamarine

Aquamarine activates your Throat Chakra to promote clear, effective communication. This crystal shows communications majors how to convey their ideas with the right combination of logos and pathos, effectively reaching their audiences.

Computer Science: Charoite

Charoite is the secret weapon computer science majors need to understand this ever-evolving field. Charoite sharpens your analytical skills and makes it easy to grasp complex concepts while also giving you the drive to keep moving forward.

Chemistry: Shungite

Shungite contains almost all of the elements on the periodic table, so it is already interesting for chemistry majors. However, Shungite’s benefits aren’t just educational! This crystal’s purifying, grounding energies support chemistry majors through complicated labs, long nights of studying, and difficult units.

Education: Howlite

Education is the ultimate long-term project, and Howlite helps education majors take a strategic yet compassionate approach to teaching. Howlite shows you how to break down difficult concepts, create lesson plans, and be patient with your students.

English: Apatite

Apatite supercharges your communication skills while expanding your consciousness, making it the perfect choice for English and literature students. This crystal helps you focus on the content you’re reading and encourages you to use words to explore new ideas.

History: Stromatolite

Stromatolite developed slowly overly millennia, and history majors can benefit from all of that ancient wisdom. Stromatolite provides future historians with a physical connection to the past while also demonstrating the slow, consistent effort that is necessary to effective historical study.

Physics: Tektite

Tektite formed from meteorites, which makes it perfect for physics majors who are looking to understand our entire universe. Tektite expands your perspective, boosts information retention, and improves self-discipline.

Math: Hematite

Hematite and mathematics go hand-in-hand. Hematite is commonly called the Stone of the Mind, and this crystal appeals to your intelligence while also promoting balance, courage, and focus.

Music: Iolite

Iolite brings the heart and mind together to help music majors translate their skills into powerful, moving performances. This inspiring crystal empowers you to step into the spotlight, overcoming self-limiting beliefs to achieve your goals.

Theatre: Labradorite

Theatre is all about exploring new perspectives, from stepping into a character to directing a scene to designing sets, lighting, and costumes. Labradorite’s transformative energy helps theatre majors play with limitless possibilities, engage their creativity, and empathize with others.

Political Science: Danburite

For political science majors who have chosen to devote their lives to serving others, Danburite is the perfect crystal. Danburite is a stone of profound compassion and altruism, reminding political science majors to put the needs of others first.

Psychology: Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli resonates strongly with the mind. This crystal accesses wisdom and intuition to help psychology majors better understand the people around them.

What crystals are you bringing back to school this year? Let us know in the comments!

What Does the Uranus Retrograde Mean For You?

On September 1st, Uranus will enter retrograde, where it will stay until January 30th, 2025. This five-month period will lead to internal shake ups, asking us to look deep within ourselves for answers.

What is Uranus Retrograde?

When a planet enters retrograde, it looks like it is moving backwards in relation to the other planets. This optical illusion occurs because a planet has either overtaken Earth’s orbit or slowed down. During retrogrades, the elements a planet rules are typically thrown into disarray.

What Does Uranus Retrograde Mean?

When Uranus enters retrograde, it takes this planet’s transformative energy and directs it inward. Uranus is normally a planet of boundless external change, but this retrograde will encourage you to embrace change in less obvious ways, focusing on shifting your perspective.

The 2024 Uranus Retrograde will occur in Taurus, and Uranus’ interactions with this Earth sign will ask you to identify the things you really value. What are the most important aspects of your life? Are you really nurturing them? Have you been imposing any limits on yourself? Now is the time to adjust your actions and mindset to better align with your values.

Uranus will be in retrograde for five months, so you have an extended period of time to undergo this shift. Direct your energies toward long-term projects and major personal or professional goals. Consider keeping a journal from now until the end of January so that you can track your retrograde progress.

What the 2024 Uranus Retrograde Means for You

To understand how the 2024 Uranus retrograde will affect you, start with your natal chart. Your natal (or birth) chart is an astrological map of the exact moment you were born, and it can provide a lot of insight into how you interact with the world. We love Cafe Astrology’s free and easy online natal charts, but you can also calculate yours yourself or reach out to your favorite astrologer.

Once you have your natal chart, see where Uranus is positioned. If Uranus transits your Sun, the retrograde may lead others to change their perceptions of you; if Uranus transits your Moon, the retrograde will involve a lot of emotional introspection.

If you were born on the following dates, you should prepare yourself for a major shift during the 2024 Uranus retrograde:

  • February 12-16
  • May 13-17
  • August 15-19
  • November 14-19

However, everyone should approach the 2024 Uranus retrograde with an open mind and spirit of self-reflection.

Uranus Retrograde Crystals

Crystals are powerful tools for introspection and navigating transitional periods, so working with them during a Uranus retrograde is essential. Try:

  • Malachite to embrace change
  • Labradorite to think out of the box
  • Pink Calcite to promote gentle introspection
  • Black Tourmaline to identify your values and release things that no longer serve you
  • Green Aventurine to welcome new opportunities

This Uranus Retrograde, set aside time for a crystal meditation, wear crystal jewelry, or use crystals in your journaling practice, and you will revolutionize your life.

DIY Crystal Bookmark

Did you know that International Literacy Day is September 8th? We’re big book lovers here at My Dream Crystals, and today, we’re showing you how to combine your passions for reading and crystals into one amazing DIY crystal bookmark.

Choosing Your Bookmark Crystal

While you can use any crystal you want for your bookmark, taking some extra care with your choice of stone will definitely enhance your reading experience. Try:

  • Fluorite to improve your concentration
  • Clear Quartz to amplify the book’s message
  • Lapis Lazuli to access intuition and knowledge
  • Labradorite to expand your consciousness
  • Lepidolite to encourage empathy with the stories you read
  • Charoite to help you understand complex concepts and retain information
  • Hematite to ground you in the words

You can also consider incorporating multiple crystals into your bookmark for even better results!

How to Make a DIY Crystal Bookmark

For your crystal bookmark, you will need:

  • A premade bookmark base, or at least 4 inches of thick metal crafting wire (10 or 12 gauge
  • About 5 inches of twine or thinner crafting wire (it should be thin enough to pass through your crystals)
  • A selection of crystal beads or crystals with holes drilled through the center
  • Pliers

Once you have your materials, start making your crystal bookmark:

  • 1.If you are using a premade bookmark base, skip to step 2. If not, get your thick crafting wire. Using your pliers, twirl a scroll design at both ends of the wire to form your base.
  • 2.Attach your twine/thin crafting wire to the top of the bookmark base.
  • 3.Thread your crystals onto the twine. Be creative! You can attach a single crystal at the end of the wire, or you can fill the entire length with lots of beads.
  • 4.Tie off the twine (or use your pliers to close off the wire).
  • 5.Enjoy!

Now that you’re done, you can use the bookmark base to mark your page and let the crystals cascade over the top.

Tag us on Instagram @mydreamcrystals if you give this DIY a try. We’d love to see what you create!

Welcome to the Shire: Hobbit Day Crystals

Every year on September 22nd, fans of The Lord of the Rings come together to mark the birthdays of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins. To celebrate J.R.R. Tolkein’s magical world, we’re exploring our favorite inhabitants of Middle-earth and the crystals that resonate with them.

So, grab some Lembas bread and stay off the road—we’re going on an adventure!

Bilbo Baggins: Mookaite Jasper

Bilbo Baggins’ story is all about exploring the world, which makes Mookaite Jasper the perfect fit. Mookaite Jasper expands your perspective. It encourages you to embrace new opportunities, forge strong relationships, and challenge yourself, and it also offers extra protection if you run into a hoard of orcs!

Frodo Baggins: Jet

Frodo Baggins’ special ability to resist evil is mirrored by Jet. Jet transmutes negative energy, transforming it into positivity. This crystal resonates strongly with the Earth, and its grounding vibrations offer both confidence and clarity. As a protection crystal, Jet is almost as valuable as Mithril armor!

Samwise Gamgee: Brown Aragonite

Samwise Gamgee is one of the most grounded characters in all of Middle-earth, and Brown Aragonite can help you get a share of his wisdom, loyalty, and strength. This crystal draws on ancient Earth energies to help you cultivate a life based on mindfulness and truth.

Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck: Howlite

While Merry and his best friend, Pippin, are often regarded as a comedic duo, they have a lot of heart. Merry strikes a balance between intelligence and bravery, embodied by Howlite. Howlite gives you access to Merry’s quiet strength, organizational skills, and remarkable insight.

Peregrin “Pippin” Took: Moss Agate

Peregrin “Pippin” Took is famously a “fool of a Took,” but through his experiences in the Fellowship of the Ring, he grows into a true hero. Moss Agate resonates with the earthy, fun-loving elements of Pippin’s personality while also reflecting the new perspective, marked by justice and temperance, that Pippin embraces throughout his journey.

Gandalf: Labradorite

Gandalf is a mystical figure, and iridescent Labradorite captures his personality. Labradorite is a stone of wisdom but also of creativity, change, and expanded consciousness. This crystal helps you approach problems with an innovative perspective—such as trusting a Hobbit with the One Ring.

Gimli: Tiger Iron

As a dwarf, Gimli truly understands the value of all crystals and minerals, but Tiger Iron aligns most strongly with his energy. Tiger Iron is a highly motivating crystal, tapping into Gimli’s drive and passion, and it also provides the grounding frequencies this fiery dwarf needs.

Gollum: Black Tourmaline

Gollum has been corrupted by the evil of power of the ring, but Black Tourmaline’s cleansing power can help! This crystal acts like a psychic power washer to get rid of any negative or toxic energy.

Aragorn: Mahogany Obsidian

Aragorn struggles to accept his destiny as the King of Gondor, and he would benefit from Mahogany Obsidian. This crystal promotes introspection and self-acceptance, allowing you to better understand your place in the world and release the things that are holding you back. Then, Mahogany Obsidian links your Root and Sacral Chakras to help you stand in your own power.

Boromir: Danburite

Boromir’s story sees him almost succumbing to the power of the ring before sacrificing himself for the greater good—a journey perfectly encompassed by Danburite. Danburite is the number one altruism crystal. It helps you connect with others and do what needs to be done.

Faramir: Ruby Zoisite

Faramir is a gentle poet who is firmly committed to his duty. Ruby Zoisite resonates with Faramir’s deep passions, positivity, and loyalty.

Eowyn: Carnelian

Eowyn’s astounding confidence and creative thinking save Middle-earth, and Carnelian captures her energy. With Carnelian, you can achieve anything—even killing the Witch King of Angmar!

Legolas: Fluorite

Legolas is a warrior whose strength lies in focus and precision rather than brute force, much like Fluorite. Fluorite and Legolas both show you that the key to success is patience, concentration, and dedication.

Arwen: Prehnite

Arwen’s journey involves listening to her heart, which would make Prehnite her best friend. Prehnite aligns you with universal love, helping you interact with everyone from a place of compassion and profound heart wisdom.

Elrond: Hematite

Elrond approaches everything with reason and clarity—just like Hematite. This crystal keeps you grounded in the facts, while also helping you make tough decisions, like what to do when Sauron returns from the dead.

Galadriel: Lapis Lazuli

Galadriel is a wise and intuitive guardian, and Lapis Lazuli resonates perfectly with her energy. This crystal connects your Crown and Third Eye Chakras so that you can access divine knowledge and become your highest self.

Tom Bombadil: Sunstone

If you are a fan of the Lord of the Rings movies, you may not be familiar with Tom Bombadil. This mysterious figure encounters Frodo and the other Hobbits early in their journey. He loves singing, good food, and spending time with his wife—and he may be God? Sunstone captures Tom Bombadil’s fun-loving side as well as his immense power.

Armed with these crystals, you will be well prepared to go wherever life takes you. Remember, “Not all who wander are lost.”