

My Dream Crystals - August 2024 Edition

My Dream Crystals - August 2024 Edition

Posted by Heather McConnell on 13th Sep 2024

Penny Saver: The Top 8 Money Crystals

Did you know that August 14th is National Financial Awareness Day? It’s a holiday dedicated to building financial literacy and encouraging sustainable approaches to income, budgeting, and investment.

Whether you are a budgeting expert or someone who is afraid to check your bank balance, there is a money crystal for you. Here are our top 8 crystals to help you not only attract money but also spend it wisely.

The Top 8 Money Crystals


There’s a reason that Citrine is also known as “the Merchant’s Stone!” This golden crystal radiates pure positivity to attract abundance in all of its forms, making it particularly effective for manifesting new financial and career opportunities. Citrine works with your Solar Plexus Chakra to enhance your confidence so that you can chase your goals, and it also supercharges your decision-making skills.


If you’re just starting your financial journey, let Iolite been your guide. Iolite has historically been used as a navigation stone, and it can channel those energies to help you navigate your finances. Iolite helps you develop long-term financial goals, and its innovative edge offers creative solutions to money problems.


Pyrite’s lustrous golden sheen belies its powerful attractive properties, but this crystal combines style with substance. Pyrite resonates strongly with the Earth, and it takes a practical approach to money management. Pyrite channels the planet’s nurturing energies to support smart finances; it literally grounds you in reality. Pyrite discourages “get rich quick” schemes in favor of strategic budgeting and long-term financial planning, ultimately ushering in an era of financial stability.


Jade takes a holistic approach to prosperity, reminding you to steward all of your resources carefully. Jade’s light green color immediately brings money to mind, and it is a very effective financial manifestation tool. This crystal promotes a calm, steady approach to your finances; it really is the physical embodiment of Ben Franklin’s adage, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Jade supports you as you make the small changes that will result in long-term prosperity, like setting up regular savings deposits and cutting down on takeout.


If you are really struggling with your finances, reach for Malachite. Malachite is a stone of transformation, and change is necessary to build a sustainable approach to money. This crystal will support you as you learn to budget, pay down debt, and bulk up your savings, all the while attracting new opportunities and providing financial protection. Malachite also resonates strongly with your Heart Chakra, helping you reevaluate your emotional relationship with money.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a powerful protector. When you use it as a money crystal, Black Tourmaline helps you safeguard your assets. If you are thinking about an investment proposition, meditating with Black Tourmaline can help you evaluate the associated risks. This crystal also helps you release self-limiting beliefs around wealth and money so that you claim the life you deserve.


Garnet is a stone of passion and energy. This crystal shows you how to make money in ways that align with your interests and values, and it can also give you the extra energy you need to break out of a stagnant financial situation, like a dead-end job or debt gridlock. Once you start building wealth, Garnet’s nurturing energies kick in to safeguard your finances and encourage balance.


Shungite takes a no-nonsense approach to money. This crystal is a powerful purifier, making it a great tool if you need to overhaul your finances. Shungite’s grounding energies will ensure stable, sustainable budgeting and investment practices.

How to Use Financial Crystals

  • Put a small tumbled stone or disk into your wallet to attract money.
  • Wear money crystal jewelry to job interviews, performance reviews, and other important career events. It will attract meaningful opportunities and encourage higher wages.
  • Meditate with a money crystal before working on budgeting, investing strategies, and other financial planning activities.
  • Put a money stone on your desk or in your workspace to motivate you and invite new opportunities.
  • If you own a business, store a money crystal in the register to encourage more cash flow.
  • Display a money crystal in the southwest corner of your home, which corresponds to wealth and abundance in Feng Shui.
  • Create a money crystal grid.

Balancing Act

If you look at the world around you, you will notice that there is duality everywhere: the Sun and the Moon, the land and the sea, summer and winter, darkness and light. The universe is built on this concept of balance, and when two opposing forces meet, they each enrich the other. After all, would we truly appreciate joy without sadness?

Today, we’ve taking a deep dive into the universe’s innate duality through the lens of the Ancient Chinese concept of yin-yang and exploring how crystals come together to balance each other’s energies.

What is Yin-Yang?


You’ve almost certainly seen the yin-yang symbol before, but what does it mean?

The earliest known records of yin-yang as a concept date back to the Western Zhou dynasty (circa 1046-771 BCE). The idea was codified in a book about divination, I Ching (The Book of Changes), which discusses yin-yang as it relates to nature. These ideas became incorporated into other major East Asian philosophies, including Feng Shui, Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, as well as traditional Chinese medicine. The famous yin-yang symbol can be dated to at least 600 BCE.

If you are familiar with the concepts of the divine feminine and the divine masculine, yin and yang are very similar. They are the complementary forces that make up the universe. Yin is the nurturing, introspective, and feminine energy, closely associated with the Moon and the Earth. Yang is the active, extroverted, and masculine energy represented by the Sun.

The philosophy behind yin and yang is built around four principals. The two energies are:

  • 1.Opposite
  • 2.Interdependent
  • 3.Transformative
  • 4.Mutually Consuming

These principles highlight the symbiotic relationship between yin and yang in the universe. Both are necessary, both affect each other, and when they are balanced, harmony is achieved. If you look at the yin-yang symbol, you will see that the forces are interconnected; each contains a seed of the other. Yin and yang remind us that nothing exists in a vacuum; rather, everything has a relationship to the things around it. As the world around us shifts, so does the yin and yang energy. We must embrace this ongoing transformation and strive for balance in all aspects of life.

Crystal Pairings for Balance

The concept of yin and yang can be found throughout the universe, and the crystal world is no exception! Here are some of favorite crystal pairings to explore yin-yang energy:


Ametrine is a naturally forming dual crystal that combines Amethyst and Citrine. Citrine radiates positivity and action, which is then complemented by Amethyst’s soothing, spiritual vibrations. With Ametrine, you are able to chase your goals without overextending yourself or making rash decisions.

Black Tourmaline and Selenite

Visually, Black Tourmaline and Selenite evoke the yin-yang symbol, and their combination produces the same sort of harmony. Each crystal resonates with an opposite end of the Chakra system—Black Tourmaline with the Root and Selenite with the Crown—to bring your full body into alignment. Black Tourmaline’s protective, purifying energies cleanse your aura of any toxicity, and then Selenite replaces that negativity with radiant light. Together, Black Tourmaline and Selenite promote profound security and peace.

Chrysocolla Malachite

Copper is central to both Chrysocolla and Malachite. When copper oxides, it produces Chrysocolla; when Copper dissolves into new compounds, Malachite forms. If both of those processes occur at the same time, a rare crystal combination, Chrysocolla Malachite, is created. Chrysocolla Malachite uses Chrysocolla’s gentle energy to temper Malachite’s transformative powers, making it the perfect crystal for slow yet steady change.

Lapis Lazuli and Tiger’s Eye

When used together, Lapis Lazuli and Tiger’s Eye empower you to do anything, and they are perfect for developing effective leadership skills. Lapis Lazuli is a crystal of wisdom, inviting divine inspiration and refined communication skills to any enterprise. Tiger’s Eye complements Lapis Lazuli’s spiritual frequencies with motivation, confidence, and grounded Earth energy.

Moonstone and Sunstone

Moonstone and Sunstone make another crystal pairing that perfectly resonates with the lessons of yin and yang. These two stones each resonate with the celestial body that they are named for, and bringing them together helps you get the best of both worlds. Moonstone promotes emotional intelligence and introspection while Sunstone helps you channel these realizations into confident action.

Ruby in Kyanite

Ruby in Kyanite is an extremely rare Kyanite crystal with Ruby inclusions. It typically grows alongside other Ruby combinations, including Ruby Fuchsite and Ruby Zoisite, thanks to the collisions of tectonic plates, which in turn causes extremely hot underground water to redistribute minerals. Ruby Kyanite links your Heart and Throat Chakras, allowing you to express your feelings clearly and kindly. The interaction between Ruby and Kyanite promotes balance in your emotional body as well as your relationships.


Unakite is a profoundly balancing crystal, a property it gains by bringing together multiple different stones, including Quartz, Jasper, Epidote, Orthoclase, and Granite. Unakite links together your Root, Heart, and Throat Chakras to bring your physical and emotional bodies into alignment. It helps you achieve harmony by gently working through turbulent emotions and past pain.

Make Your Own Magic

If you want to change your life, that change has to come from you. But how do you even start?

Tarot cards are a great way to explore your life path, and the symbolism of the Major Arcana has something to teach everyone. Do you feel like you’re ready to make a big move? Are you brimming with potential? If so, the Magician might be calling.

The Magician Tarot Card Meaning

Let’s start our exploration of the Magician by looking closely at the card. This Magician is an illustration by Pamela Colman Smith from the Rider-Waite deck, an iconic twentieth century tarot deck that many consider the gold standard for traditional tarot. The card depicts a man in flowing robes that recall ancient fashions and formal study (think graduation gowns). He is raising a white staff to the sky while pointing down to the Earth, and an infinity symbol floats above his head. The ornate table in front of the Magician is laden with the four suits of the tarot’s Minor Arcana: a pentacle, a sword, a cup, and a wand. The scene is framed by an abundant, beautiful garden, filled with roses and lilies.

The Magician symbolizes mastery. Everything about the card points toward his ability to do whatever he wants, from his steady gaze to the lush garden. He feels in control of all elements of his life, symbolized by the Minor Arcana on the table in front of him. The pentacle represents money, material needs, and the element of fire, the sword represents knowledge and air, the cup represents emotions and water, and the wand represents passion, activity, and fire.

However, the Magician also symbolizes hard work and study. He did not gain his mastery overnight. He understands that there is always room for growth, and he is willing to put in the effort to reach his goals.

The Magician shows you how to connect with both the divine and earthly realms. He wears a white tunic, the color of spirituality and purity, and points a white staff up to the universe. However, his red robe symbolizes worldly knowledge, and his left-hand points down toward the Earth. Because the Magician understands how to balance his spiritual and physical selves, he is fully aligned with the universe, and he has all the tools he needs to manifest his intentions. When you connect with the Magician’s energy, you are also able to build the life of your dreams.

While the Magician is not the first card in the Major Arcana (that is the Fool, Number Zero), he is given the number 1. In numerology, 1 is associated with new beginnings. The Magician asks you to use your powers to achieve your goals. The infinity symbol above his head and the never-ending snake that belts his waist show that he has infinite potential; the garden surrounding him foreshadows the abundant fruits of his efforts. The Magician will eventually reach the height of his powers in the tarot deck, transforming into the Emperor (Major Arcana card number 4). As such, he reminds you that you can also achieve the pinnacle of success.

The Magician is also a powerful ally for manifestation. Even though the Magician has infinite potential, he knows that that potential means nothing if he doesn’t take action. Therefore, he combines his spiritual and earthly skills to support his intentions. The Magician encourages you to believe in yourself, think creatively, and leverage all the resources at your disposal to achieve your goals. When you act in accordance with your highest self, the universe will assist you.

The Top 5 Magician Crystals

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz expands your consciousness to match the Magician’s perfectly balanced perspective. This crystal activates your Crown Chakra, allowing you to both better understand the spiritual world and clarify earthly situations. Clear Quartz supports strong decision-making and fruitful study. It is a key ally as you work towards your goals, and as a universal amplifier, Clear Quartz will augment your abilities.


Pyrite addresses the earthly side of the Magician’s powers. This crystal resonates strongly with the planet, and it uses the Earth’s grounding and nurturing energies to invite abundance. As you work with the Magician’s energy, Pyrite will help you take practical action and provide extra attractive energy to manifest your desires.


The Magician uses his powers to turn into the Emperor, and Malachite captures this transformative energy. This crystal shows you that in order to claim the life of your dreams, change will be necessary; don’t fear it. With Malachite, you can release the things that no longer serve you and embrace your full potential.


Stromatolite is layered crystal made from fossilized algae. Each of these layers unlocks a new level of knowledge and mastery, following the Magician’s own path. Stromatolite reminds you that achieving your goals requires hard work and dedication, and it gives you the motivation you need to continue your journey.

Auralite 23

Just as the Magician brings together all the elements of the Minor Arcana, Auralite 23 is an extremely rare and powerful crystal that combines twenty-three different minerals, including Hematite, Pyrite, Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Epidote, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Copper, and Iron. This high frequency stone embodies the Magician’s mastery and wisdom, and it truly helps you discover the magic inside you. 

What’s Your Aesthetic?

When you’re scrolling through your social media feed, you may encounter an “aesthetic.” While the term aesthetic technically refers to artistic movements and beauty standards, it has taken on a new meaning through social media. From TikTok and Instagram to Pinterest and Tumblr, more and more users are curating a cohesive, visually appealing online persona inspired by aesthetics like “cottagecore” or “dark academia.”

Whether your aesthetic interests stay online or shape how you approach real world fashion, décor, and media, they are fun ways to play around with your interests and get inspired. Today, we’re outlining a few popular Internet aesthetics and giving them the perfect crystal pairing.

Adventurecore & Mookaite Jasper

Adventurecore is all about exploration and wanderlust: backpacking around the world, camping in the woods, and taking in nature in all of its breathtaking beauty. The adventurecore aesthetic is heavily influenced by franchises like The Lord of the Rings and Indiana Jones, as well as classic adventure novels like Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne and Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. Adventurecore combines the majesty of nature with fitness and camping gear.

Mookaite Jasper is the perfect crystal for the Adventurecore enthusiast. A stone of infinite possibility, Mookaite Jasper encourages you to embrace new opportunities and reach your full potential, while offering protection for all of your adventures.

Angelcore & Angelite

Angelcore draws on heavenly imagery—white light, flowing robes, golden halos, and delicate feathered wings—to cultivate a mood of harmony and peace. Specifically, angelcore references depictions of angels in European art from the Renaissance through the 19th century, including works by Sandro Botticelli, Raphael, Antonio Canova, and William-Adolphe Bouguereau, as well as more modern interpretations, such as Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s Good Omens. Angelcore is typically represented by a color palette of pure white, soft pastel blues and pinks, and shiny golds and silvers.

Angelcore is obviously the perfect match for Angelite, a truly celestial crystal that facilitates communication with the spiritual realm. Angelite connects you with your guardian angels and spirit guides, allowing you to access divinely inspired wisdom and peace.

Art Hoe & Cinnabar

The art hoe aesthetic captures the frantic energy of an all-day art project. The art hoe has an eclectic style that embraces creativity, authenticity, and a deep appreciation for art, both old and new. The art hoe aesthetic places an emphasis on bright colors like yellow, orange, and red, combined with more natural earth tones. DIY clothing and décor are strongly encouraged!

Cinnabar has been used by artists for centuries, and its inspiring energies resonate perfectly with the art hoe aesthetic. Cinnabar unlocks your most creative self, encouraging you to express yourself in any way possible.

Balletcore & Kunzite

Balletcore is for every child who dreamed of dancing. This soft, pastel pink aesthetic is inspired by ballet and the clothing associated with it: tights, tulle, leg warmers, leotards, ribbons, and twirly skirts. Balletcore balances strength and vulnerability. It engages with the surreal, romantic quality of ballet performances, as well as the inherent grace, sensuality, and discipline of the art form.

Delicate Kunzite combines the gentle elements of ballet with the uncompromising inner strength necessary to perform. This emotionally intelligent crystal appeals to the different facets of balletcore to help you become the prima ballerina of your own life.

Barbiecore & Pink Aura Quartz

Barbiecore is a bold celebration of everything girly and bright pink. This aesthetic received a boost from Greta Gerwig’s recent Barbie movie, but it is also influenced by other hyper-feminine heroines like Elle Woods from Legally Blonde and the Mean Girls squad, as well as classic pop stars like Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, and Britney Spears. Barbiecore turns negative stereotypes about traditionally feminine attributes on their heads. After all, Barbie can be anything she wants to be!

Angel Aura Quartz’s iridescent sheen is as bright and bold as Barbie. Opt for an Angel Aura Quartz that combines Rose Quartz’s loving frequencies with brilliant metals like Platinum or Silver and step into your power!

Beige Aesthetic & Brown Aragonite

The beige aesthetic is all about minimalism. While other aesthetics are bold and busy, the beige aesthetic encourages you to embrace simplicity. It revolves around muted earth tones, with an emphasis on its namesake light brown hue. The beige aesthetic romanticizes a slow, careful life, filled with appreciation for art and beauty—like sipping a cappuccino in an elegant café while it rains gently outside.

Brown Aragonite resonates with the calm and mindfulness of the beige aesthetic. This crystal draws on the Earth’s nurturing energy and ancient wisdom to promote perfect balance.

Coastal Grandmother & Aquamarine

The coastal grandmother aesthetic captures the effortless leisure of the New England coast—think Martha Stewart, Diane Keaton, or even Jessica Fletcher from Murder, She Wrote. With a full life of experiences behind her, the coastal grandmother knows that she doesn’t need to care about what other people think of her. Instead, she focuses on life’s little pleasures: the sound of the ocean, a crisp glass of white wine, and a cozy sweater. Visually, the coastal grandmother evokes a nautical color scheme (blue, white, and beige), vintage-inspired pieces, and timeless elegance.

Aquamarine draws out your inner coastal grandmother. As refreshing as the ocean breeze, Aquamarine promotes calm while also empowering you to live your life unapologetically.

Coquette & Pink Calcite

Coquette takes Barbie’s feminine flair but makes it softer and more romantic. The flirty coquette aesthetic is all about lace, hearts, bows, and frills—everything dainty and girly. The coquette unapologetically revels in her attractiveness, and there’s a lot we can learn from her confidence.

Pretty Pink Calcite helps you tap into the coquette’s confidence and sense of self-love. This crystal reminds you that accepting your authentic self is the key to contentment. Once you achieve this mindset, you reach your full potential, and you are able to extend this grace to others.

Cottagecore & Moss Agate

For many people, cottagecore is the quintessential “aesthetic.” It was one of the first aesthetics to gain major attention, particularly during the 2020 lockdown. Cottagecore romanticizes the peace and independence of living in a cottage in the woods. It emphasizes the joys of slow, simple living, as well as being one with nature and self-sufficient. Cottagecore is heavily influenced by 18th century pastoral imagery (think Marie Antoinette’s Petite Trianon), 19th century Romanticism, and books like Anne of Green Gables and Pride and Prejudice. The aesthetic is all about freshly baked bread, wildflowers, traditional crafts like knitting and embroidery, and puffy sleeves.

Moss Agate resonates strongly with the Earth, which makes it the perfect companion to the cottagecore aesthetic. This crystal helps you discover new opportunities through a deep connection with nature, and it promotes the renewal and emotional balance that cottagecore promises.

Dark Academia & Petrified Wood

Dark academia is a celebration of knowledge and intellectualism, with an emphasis on history, philosophy, literature, and the arts. It is especially inspired by brooding classic novels like the works of the Brontë sisters and Charles Dickens, as well as Donna Tartt’s modern classic, The Secret History, about a group of students who become enthralled by a classics professor—with deadly consequences. Dark academia focuses on the thirst for knowledge and engaging with complex, even taboo, topics. The dark academia aesthetic calls to mind the medieval architecture of British universities, libraries filled with books and dark wood, and late-night study sessions with classical music playing in the background.

Petrified Wood resonates with the dark academic’s passionate search for knowledge. This crystal is actually wood that slowly transformed into Quartz over centuries; as such, it is a source of ancient wisdom. Petrified Wood supports the slow, steady work that is critical to academic success.

Light Academia & Howlite

Light Academia is dark academia’s brighter, more optimistic cousin—think Belle from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast! While light academia also celebrates education, it is less solitary, emphasizing the role knowledge plays in building community, solving problems, and making the world a better place. Lovers of the light academia aesthetic can be found wandering around art galleries, reading poetry in sunny garden, or discussing philosophy over tea.

Howlite draws out light academia’s gentle, focused approach to learning. This peaceful crystal encourages organization and patience to promote effective studying, and it also facilitates clear communication, which is essential for essay-writing and building an academic community.

E-girl & Indigo Gabbro

The e-girl aesthetic, which first emerged on social media in the late 2010s, is a fun mixture of dark and sweet elements: dyed hair with bright makeup and miniskirts paired with heavy boots. The e-girl is “chronologically online” and takes inspiration from video games, anime, and grunge. She plays with all of these influences to create a unique, eclectic style all her own.

Indigo Gabbro, also known as Mystical Merlinite, speaks to the e-girl’s creativity and willingness to embrace radical transformation. This quirky crystal encourages you to step into the spotlight and experiment with bold influences.

Fairycore & Fairy Stones

Fairycore is cottagecore’s magical cousin. This aesthetic leans into the mystical side of nature, celebrating fairies, nature spirits, and folklore. It incorporates forest imagery: mossy rocks, mushrooms, butterflies, and frogs. Like dark and light academia, Fairycore has an inherent duality. Fairies are magical beings that are sometimes happy to help humans, like Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother, but fairies can also be dangerous tricksters, like the mischievous fae of Celtic and Norse folklore, Tinker Bell, and Labyrinth.

Fairy Stones are natural sculptures—calcium carbonate discs created by running water. They connect strongly with fairy energy, and according to folklore, they can even help you see fairies in the wild. Keep a Fairy Stone in your pocket for a little extra luck and inspiration.

Kawaii & Pink Opal

Kawaii is the Japanese word for “cute,” and this adorable, pastel aesthetic is heavily influenced by manga and anime. It is as if Hello Kitty was a real person! Kawaii embraces childlike, cutesy style without a hint of irony, from plush toys and cartoons to bows and pigtails. This aesthetic reminds us that there’s nothing wrong with embracing the wonder and joy of childhood.

Pink Opal’s opalescent sheen fits in perfectly with the Kawaii aesthetic. This happy, nurturing crystal calls out to your Inner Child the same way Kawaii does.

Mermaidcore & Blue Aragonite

If you’ve ever been fascinated with the ocean, mermaidcore might be for you! Drawing on The Little Mermaid, H20, and Aquamarine, mermaidcore celebrates the independence, mystery, and transformation of its namesake mythical creature. This aesthetic embraces the sea: pearls, coral, seashells, and an oceanic color palette of greens, blues, and purples.

Blue Aragoniteis a crystal that naturally occurs in the ocean, forming on sea creatures like mollusks, so it is a great way to explore mermaidcore. Blue Aragonite’s water energy taps into your emotions, empowering you to embrace the mermaid’s confidence and freedom.

Royalcore & Ruby

Royalcore is for everyone who dreamed of being a prince or princess. This opulent aesthetic incorporates everything luxury: velvet, silk, deep colors, gold, jewelry, and palaces. It is heavily inspired by the Tudor, Elizabethan, and Victorian periods of English history.

As a rare gemstone, Ruby perfectly embodies the luxury of royalcore. Its crimson hue calls to mind a palace’s rich décor, and it speaks to the creativity and passion that often colors our perceptions of royalty, especially historical or fairy tale kings and queens.

Soft Girl & Rose Quartz

The soft girl aesthetic prioritizes self-love and self-care. It reminds us of the importance of rest and taking things slowly. The soft girl doesn’t hide her authentic self, and she isn’t afraid to stand up for what she needs. The soft girl aesthetic calls to the mind the spa: soothing, soft colors, comfy clothes, and mindfulness.

Since soft girl is the ultimate self-care aesthetic, it pairs perfectly with the ultimate self-care crystal: Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz supports the soft girl’s quest for self-love, authenticity, and gentleness.

Spacecore & Tektite

Spacecore is for people who love to look at the stars. Heavily inspired by the solar system and space travel—as well as sci-fi classics like Star Wars, Star Trek, and 2001: A Space Odyssey—spacecore looks toward the sky with wonder, optimism, and determination. This aesthetic is marked by star patterns, metallics, and galaxy prints.

To connect with spacecore, reach for Tektite. Tektite is an out-of-this-world crystal that literally formed from a meteor impact, and it gives you access to celestial energy. Tektite expands your consciousness so that you can grasp the vastness of space and unlock your highest self.

VSCO Girl & Peach Selenite

The VSCO girl aesthetic gets its name from the VSCO image editing app, which gives photos a sun-kissed glow. VSCO girls love adventure and the environment, and they are never without their trusty (and trendy) water bottles.

Peach Selenite’s soft pink-orange glow matches the VSCO vibe, and it connects with the VSCO girl’s commitment to sustainability and creativity.

Whimsigoth & Labradorite

Whimsigoth is a fantastical aesthetic that is heavily rooted in the witches who graced 90s media: Charmed, Practical Magic, and Willow and Tara from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It incorporates spooky vibes but lightens them up with its namesake whimsy. Whimsigoth fashion incorporates velvet, lace, star motifs, and flowy silhouettes.

Labradorite is a truly mystical stone, making it a great ally for modern Whimsigoth witches. Labradorite supercharges your intuition, authenticity, and creativity so that you can tap into your most magical self.

Y2K & Aqua Aura Quartz

The Y2K aesthetic is a funky, fun re-interpretation of late 1990s and early 2000s fashion. It is named for the hypothesized (but never realized) Y2K event, which feared the change from 1999 to 2000 might cause widespread digital collapse. Y2K draws on the futuristic optimism of the new millennium. It is known for neon colors (especially lime green, bright blue, and hot pinks), holographic materials, and a fascination with technology.

Tangerine Aura Quartzboasts a metallic sheen from the fusion of gold, iron oxide, and copper, which fits in perfectly with the Y2K aesthetic. This crystal activates the Sacral Chakra to draw out all the boundless confidence and creativity of the Y2K era.

Store Your Summer

We still have some sunny summer days ahead of us, but the fall equinox is right around the corner. Thankfully, you bottle up some summer energy and keep it with you all year long with a summer spell jar!

What is a Spell Jar?

A spell jar is a container filled with energy. It acts as a physical representation of your intentions and is a great tool for achieving long-term goals. Jars and bottles preserve things—like pickles, fruit, and wine—and a spell jar can help you preserve an intention over a long period of time.

Your summer spell jar is a great way to store some summer’s active, positive energy for the winter ahead. If you are particularly affected by the long nights and cold weather, your summer spell jar will be a reminder that sunny days are on their way. It can also help you utilize some of summer’s spiritual meanings—abundance, joy, and energy—to support your goals at any time of the year.

How to Make a Summer Spell Jar

For your summer spell jar, you will need:

  • A lidded container of some sort. You can upcycle a jam jar or wine bottle, buy a specific item, or just use some extra Tupperware.
  • A small, tumbled summer crystal. Follow your intuition here, but Citrine, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Sunstone, and Libyan Desert Glass are all great choices. They all carry the warmth of the summer sun and fiery energy.
  • Dried summer flowers. If you have the opportunity, pick some from your own garden! If not, store bought is fine. We love sunflowers, marigolds, dahlias, and zinnias for this spell jar because they all resemble the sun.
  • A pinch of red pepper flakes or cayenne. A hint of spice will add extra fire energy to your spell jar, encouraging action, energy, and speed as you manifest your intentions.
  • An orange or yellow candle and something to light it (matches, lighter, etc.)
  • A small scrap of paper and a writing utensil

Once you’ve gathered your ingredients, it’s time to assemble your summer spell jar. We recommend doing this ritual in direct sunlight, either outside or in a sunny windowsill, to infuse the jar with solar energy.

  • 1.Cleanse and consecrate your materials. You can use a variety of clearing methods, including sound cleansing, Reiki, or placing each item on top of a Clear Quartz, Kyanite, or Selenite stone.
  • 2.Center yourself with a few deep breaths.
  • 3.Write your intention on the scrap of paper: “The summer sun shines on me all year long.”
  • 4.Place your summer crystal at the bottom of your spell jar.
  • 5.Add the dried flowers and pinch of spice.
  • 6.Read your intention aloud. Then, fold up the paper and add it to the spell jar.
  • 7.Close your container with its lid.
  • 8.Light your candle. Gaze into the flames and imagine summer’s warmth enveloping you.
  • 9.When enough wax has built up, gently drip it onto the top of the lid to seal your container while repeating your intention one more time.
  • 10.Say thank you to the universe and your ingredients for their help and energetically close the ritual.

Then, store your summer jar somewhere special! You can leave it in the windowsill to keep soaking up sunlight or place it in a personal space, like your bedroom, as a gentle reminder of the summer sun.